Hi i'm Francesca Hogi

My Story

If dating had been easy for me, I wouldn’t be here right now…

Mind you—I expected it to be easy. That’s what The Fairytale Industrial Complex™ taught me, dang it! But the fairytale approach to love—wait for it to “just happen” and then everything will magically work out—wasn’t happening for me. Instead, I was feeling undesirable, rejected, frustrated, occasionally heartbroken, and stuck in dating patterns I couldn’t make sense of. I felt isolated and alone in my romantic struggles, and love was easier for everyone else.

But in the face of tons of romantic disappointment, something in me wouldn’t give up. I couldn’t—my heart was calling for true love, and I held tight to the possibility that I could learn how to date with ease. That I could learn how to attract my dream partner and relationship. It took years of trial and error, a boatload of books about dating, relationships, attachment theory, manifestation, and self love, but I did learn.

• First I learned how to date, (Dating is a skill, and most people aren’t naturally good at it!).

• Then I learned how to get past early dates into actual relationships.

• Then I learned how to recognize and eliminate my intimacy blindspots.

• Then I learned what I truly needed on a soul level to have the true love I craved.

• Then I (finally!) learned how to effortlessly attract my life partner. (I met him walking down the street— talk about manifestation!)

It took me over a decade to learn these skills. And now I’m passionate about teaching my clients in weeks or months what took me years on my own!

Through working with hundreds of clients over the last 7 years, I realized that as I shared more and more of my personal “woo woo” tools, my clients were getting better and faster results. As a recovering corporate lawyer, spirituality wasn’t something I ever considered combining with business. That is, until I saw that when it comes to the human experience, a deeper understanding of yourself makes everything in your life flow with more ease and success.

Combining the principles of romantic attraction, manifestation, intentional dating and human design WITH super practical, actionable steps was the secret sauce! Who knew??

If you’re ready to learn how to find true love for yourself, I invite you to book an exploratory call with me.

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Are You Ready To Make True Love Your New Normal?
Are You Ready To Make True Love Your New Normal?

You want and deserve true love. And guess what? It’s 100% possible for you. (I promise!) I know how farfetched that might sound, and trust me — there was a time when I wouldn’t have believed it either!

That’s why I created The Confident Dater, a 360° education in how to master each phase of your love journey. I created it for people like you! People who want to live your best life and have true love, without settling.

No one ever taught you how to find true love! Until now. Learn more and enroll at www.theconfidentdater.com.

Make true love your new normal.
Make true love your new normal.
Make true love your new normal.
Make true love your new normal.