About Run For Rob

“Run For Rob” is a charitable organization developed to help my brother Rob and the group home he lives in for the mentally handicap – Strawberry Fields. Rob recently was accepted into this home after spending more than 35 years in a state run institution. Rob is thriving emotionally and physically in his new surroundings and we want to do everything we can to make sure this home continues for years to come.
Strawberry Fields is a non-profit 501-C3 that runs mostly on donations from the community and limited state funds. The home is situated in a small town right outside of New Orleans. The philosophy is one of love, care, and respect for each resident. Strawberry Fields is staffed with highly qualified nurses, managers, and caregivers whose sole responsibility is the daily care, mentally and physically, of the residents.
To ensure this home continues to thrive, myself and a few of my friends will be donating all of our races on behalf of Strawberry Fields.
Routine is of high importance to Rob and his roommates, and the staff at Strawberry Fields take great pride in making every day a perfect day for them all. Rob is able to have many activities throughout the week, from outings in the community, picnics in the park, to volunteering their time with local community organizations.
Rob’s care and the care of his housemates are of the utmost importance to us all. We are extremely grateful to the staff at Strawberry Fields for leaving us with little worries for Rob’s wellbeing. Having this peace of mind is priceless.